RV Resort Manager Will Soon Be Kicking Back in a Prison Cell

The general manager of an RV Resort near Myrtle Beach, pleaded guilty to wire fraud and filing a false tax return.

From November 2020 to December 2021, this general manager issued $828,516 in refunds through the company’s credit card reservation system that were neither requested by customers nor authorized by management. Those with reservations that the general manager cancelled would still show up and use the facilities, while he had the refunds wired into his credit cards and personal bank accounts. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, cancellations during that time were common and did not initially raise any suspicions.

Further investigations discovered that between January 2021 and January 2022, the general manager was also caught on surveillance video removing a total of $81,430 from a company safe.

He failed to report any of the stolen funds on his tax returns and caused the IRS a loss of $270,686. He faces a maximum prison sentence of 20 years, a $250,000 fine and restitution to his employer and the IRS.

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