“I own a small business and did not file or pay payroll taxes for the last few quarters. I may owe about $100,000 in 941 taxes. How much trouble am I in?

Owing 941 payroll taxes is very different from owing personal 1040 income taxes. Not only can the IRS padlock the doors to your business, but they can also come after you personally, levy your bank accounts, confiscate your receivables, and seize your income and real property.  Scarier still is that it could turn into a criminal matter.  Why? Because the money has already been deducted from your employee’s payroll checks; so, it’s not your money to begin with! The IRS will look at it as if you stole their money. Payroll tax delinquency is the IRS’s number one enforcement priority.

You need to get help NOW from an experienced professional who deals with the IRS every day.  The IRS has special programs for business owners who have fallen behind on their payroll tax obligations. We can assess your situation and figure out the best way to protect you and will take over all dealings with the IRS, so you don’t have to.  Don’t let them take everything you’ve worked so hard for, penalties and interest compound daily. Call us today so we can get you protected! There is a solution!

We at Tax Resolution 360 are experts in tax resolution and help taxpayers with their IRS Problems every day.  Call us today for a FREE confidential consultation. We can put a stop to the IRS’s aggressive enforcement tactics, but you have to take that first step and call us today!

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today!

Tax Resolution 360 are experts in IRS tax problems. We help taxpayers with their IRS Problems every day. Your IRS Problem is our Priority.  We are committed to finding a Solution to your problem.  Call us today for a Free Confidential Consultion today.  We are a “Shame-Free” zone.  Please don’t be embarrassed by the situation you are in.  Let us help!